Elite Fire Sorceress - Europe Ladder

Sale price$14.99 USD


This product contains:

Helmet: Shako (135-140 defense)
Armor: Chains of Honor Dusk Shroud
Shield: Spirit Monarch (35%FCR)
Gloves: Magefists (30%ED)
Belt: Arach (115-120ED)
Boots: Sandstorm Trek's (+15 Strength)
Ring: Bul-Katho's Ring (5% Life leech)
Ring: Stone of Jordan
Amulet: Mara's Kaleidoscope (27-29@)
Main Weapon: Eschuta's Temper Eldritch Orb (+3/20%Fire)
Switch Weapon: Call to Arms (5-6 battle Orders)
Switch Shield: Spirit Monarch (35%FCR)
Grand Charms: 9x Sorceress Fire GC's
Small Charms: 10x +20 to Life SC's
Torch: 1x Sorceress Torch (17-19 / 17-19)